The Undiscovered: Brendan J. Albert

Brendan J. Albert


Hungry For the Big Time

Toronto-based guitarist and composer Brendan J. Albert reveals a highly developed melodic sense on his four song demo cassette of instrumental rock statements. Albert's guitar playing is marked by a tasteful sense of phrasing as he weaves lush lines over multi-tracked soundscapes. From the fascinating acoustical rhythm work in "Serenity" and the fiery wah-wah mantra of "The Wave" to the jagged reggae stomp and horror-movie leads of "The Road To Nowhere", Albert keeps his guitar on a track towards originality and excitement.


Albert has been making music in one form or another since he was ten years old. From his early days of playing salad spoons on the couch, Albert took up guitar, then later, drums and bass. Albert quickly realized the benefits of performing in bands to gain experience, and so has logged time (playing both guitar and drums) in bands such as Marble, September Child, Paper Angee and Zenor, among others. He currently is in the band Sugar Rush--playing guitar, singing back up and writing songs.

Albert recently wrote and recorded two songs, playing all the instruments, for the CD-ROM Portrait Of An Assassin. A key tool in Albert's musical life remains his trusty four-track recorder, which over the years has laid a rock-solid foundation for the music he creates today. Albert's dream is to record a full length album for an independent or major label.

Contact Information

Brendan J. Albert
79 Albany Ave., 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5R 3C3