Guitar Technique

Displaying 745 - 751 of 751
August-September 2017
Tommaso Zillio

Playing a chord progression accurately does not necessarily mean the progression will sound good.

August-September 2017
Simon Candy

Studying other styles of music such as jazz, will only make you a better, more rounded acoustic guitar player and musician.

October-November 2017
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike shows you moveable type patterns for the harmonic minor scale, and some ways you can get some fresh new modern type sounds.

October-November 2017
Tom Hess Opus 2

Here are more true reasons for Vai's world-class guitar playing and the lessons each one holds for you.

October-November 2017
Tommaso Zillio

If left unquestioned, these kind of thoughts can start to really build up and hurt your progress as a musician.

October-November 2017
Tommaso Zillio

An expert knows to practice simpler things.

October-November 2017
Simon Candy

Don't go with what feels easy as opposed to what is right.


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