Wagner`s recent conversation with Tom Hess featuring a critique of common guitar playing advice.
Wagner`s recent conversation with Tom Hess featuring a critique of common guitar playing advice.
Yes, there are other avenues beyond reality shows by which new bands can try to build a career.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab reminds musicians that streaming music is still in its infancy.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab with a few words of advice to one over-exuberant, well-intentioned,would-be music industry professional.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab gives a basic introduction to your rights and other issues regarding your original songs and recordings.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney reminds us to think outside the box.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab offers simple basics on graphic considerations when designing album artwork.
Tom Hess discusses what it takes to achieve success as a pro musician.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab speaks about the appetite for perfection. A need to be not just good enough but great.
Tom Hess takes on your teaching business, helping you avoid mistakes that may be costing you big money.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney offers up positive approaches to negative circumstances
Music industry guru Christopher Knab talks about the money flow.