Music Business

Displaying 217 - 228 of 248
February-March 2013
Ryan Buckner

Wagner`s recent conversation with Tom Hess featuring a critique of common guitar playing advice.

April-May 2013
Rob James

Yes, there are other avenues beyond reality shows by which new bands can try to build a career.

October-November 2013
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab reminds musicians that streaming music is still in its infancy.

December-January 2013
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab with a few words of advice to one over-exuberant, well-intentioned,would-be music industry professional.

February-March 2014
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab gives a basic introduction to your rights and other issues regarding your original songs and recordings.

April-May 2014
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney reminds us to think outside the box.

April-May 2014
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab offers simple basics on graphic considerations when designing album artwork.

June-July 2014
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess discusses what it takes to achieve success as a pro musician.

June-July 2014
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab speaks about the appetite for perfection. A need to be not just good enough but great.

August-September 2014
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess takes on your teaching business, helping you avoid mistakes that may be costing you big money.

August-September 2014
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney offers up positive approaches to negative circumstances

August-September 2014
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab talks about the money flow.


Spotlight on Interviews