Guest Columnists

Displaying 685 - 696 of 1238
February-March 2007
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab shows there are only two grades on a music retail report card - either you sold records or you didn`t.

February-March 2007
Guy Pople

Revealing an altogether more subtle harmonic concept.

April-May 2007
German Schauss

Think in terms of five, as you work on these 3+2 ideas.

April-May 2007
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess with ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.

April-May 2007
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney helps you get through to writers and reviewers at newspapers, magazines and web sites.

April-May 2007
Patrick DeCoste

Patrick DeCoste is back to help you push the boundaries of harmonics.

April-May 2007
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab reminds you that it takes money to make money with your music.

April-May 2007
David Martone

Want to make some extra money with your project studio? Check in with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

April-May 2007
Terry Syrek

Terry Syrek will slap you silly if you even attempt a wank tap.

April-May 2007
Paul Nelson

An inside look at how one key can affect the sound of another.

June-July 2007
David Martone

Here`s a great way to fatten up any guitar tone, with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

June-July 2007
German Schauss

Give your picking a boost with German`s crazy ideas.


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