Official press release for Dan McAvinchey's "Guitar Haus" CD.
Welcome to the April edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. Guitar Nine has moved the release date for its first CD by guitarist Dan McAvinchey, tentatively entitled "Guitar Haus", to May. McAvinchey is finishing final mixes for the album of guitar-based rock and hard rock instrumental tracks. The record can still be pre-ordered until April 15, 1997.
Official press release for Dan McAvinchey's "Guitar Haus" CD.
An original work (part one of two preludes) composed for solo electric guitar, in tabulature and standard notation.
Don`t let your current concept of reality dominate your guitar playing.
Do you still think the Aeolian mode is a ship from Star Trek? Are you comfortable discussing Mixolydian and Phrygian modes in mixed company? Tony Young cuts to the heart of modes.
Did you ever wonder where confidence comes from? How is it possible to have confidence at times, and suddenly lose confidence at critical moments?
Reader tips for twangin' up your sound.
Get on the Internet!! It`s the best way to get your music heard by millions of people all over the world. Get someone in the music industry to help you (if you`re lucky). Get a web-site and push your music and never stop. If you have a dream go for it and don`t let anything stop you! Get out there and perform your music live as much as possible.
Improvisational, Emotional Jazz
Many of the first seeds of a song come to me when I`m mountain biking or jogging. It is at that time when my head gets totally clear and the creative juices start to flow. The tricky part is to remember your ideas until you get somewhere that you can write them down! Then it`s just a matter of developing the songs.