Sometimes it seems every guitar riff and chord progression has been done to death. How you can avoid the tendency to copy.
Welcome to the April edition of the Guitar Nine on-line magazine. Songwriting myths, lyric writing, scale shapes and mental practicing are just a few of the subjects covered in the second issue of 2018. In total, six guest columnists have submitted seven original articles on a range of musical topics of interest to practicing musicians. After working through the information and lessons, please sample some excellent music released by the over 1400 musicians we've worked with over the past 21 years! Interestingly, we've now published over 220 artist interviews, while over 210 musicians and industry experts have written close to 1100 guest columns for this site since 1996.
Sometimes it seems every guitar riff and chord progression has been done to death. How you can avoid the tendency to copy.
Tommaso delves into guitar solo harmonies - they are not as hard as they look.
Play great songs such as “Landslide”, "Dust In The Wind" and "The Boxer".
Gaining fluency with triad arpeggios will help your soloing and rhythm playing.
Exploding the myths surrounding talent, inspiration and writer's block.
Rosocha teaches permutations - altered scale shapes based on fretboard position.
How to use your 'dead time' tp maximum advantage.
a simple and fun trick that many professionals often use in their songs.
A visual retrospective on Guitar Nine promotional magnets.