August-September 2010

Vol. 15, No. 2: August-September 2010
Where Instrumental Music Takes You
Guitar Nine Serving The Demand For Niche Music

Welcome to the August edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. Managing expectations for a lower demand by consumers for physical product, Guitar Nine both continues to add new titles, while selling out of some of our most popular selling albums from the past ten years. It's a new reality, but take this time to acquire the last of some very fine music for the very last time.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

Did you ever wonder where confidence comes from? How is it possible to have confidence at times, and suddenly lose confidence at critical moments?

Guitar Nine Newsroom
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine Records August-September 2010 newsletter.

Mike O'Malley
Mike O'Malley

These two can be some of the most telling sign if a musician is good or great.

Joe Pinnavaia
Joe Pinnavaia

Here`s a skill that saves you time and keeps you focused on the real issue that is causing you to make mistakes.

Guy Pople
Guy Pople

Guy`s article designed for aspiring improvisers who are keen to break out of the pentatonic scale.

Greg X
Greg X

X marks the spot with ways to gain freedom of expression and develop an ability to create original solos.

Jean-Pierre Zammit
Jean-Pierre Zammit

Express yourself with bends using Zammit`s exercises.

Scott Allen
Scott Allen

Scott Allen explores altered chords (such as the Jimi Hendrix chord) and more.

Mike Campese
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese is back with more ideas he used on his "Electric City" CD.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Do you want to improve your guitar technique, play guitar cleaner, eliminate sloppy playing and unwanted string noise?

David Martone
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone relates his experiences at this year`s National Guitar Workshop.

Christopher Knab
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab offers essential, life-long suggestions, for any and all musicians to remember as they establish and maintain their music careers.

Greigg Fraser
Greigg Fraser

Greigg checks out effects, beginning with pitch shifting or modulation effects.

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Percussive Acoustic Guitarist Plans Career

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Classical Guitar Meets Electric Guitar

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Surprising Program Of Jewish Music

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

If you have gathered some musical experience by actively making music, you listen to music in another way. You are able to hear everything and not only the lead instrument or vocals.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

I personally love to hear melody and hooks in solos as well as lyrically slow/wide vibrato and story-telling phrasing capped off with shredding licks that make you want to fall to pieces.

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Jazz Guitarist Releases Remarkable CD

Spotlight on Interviews