February-March 2015

Vol. 19, No. 5: February-March 2015
New Year, 9 New Columns, 3 New Interviews
Web Site Begins 2015 With New Faces And New Ideas

Welcome to the February edition of the Guitar Nine on-line magazine. A trio of new columnists, including Sam Russell, Dallas Dwight and Chris Glyde, join some of our regular contributors with guitar technique ideas, music business advice and inspiration. Altogether, six columnists have submitted articles in their areas of specialty that will interest guitar players and independent musicians alike. Remarkably, over 200 musicians have written guest columns for this site since 1997.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

Are you a half-finisher? Always eighty percent complete? How you can finish what ya started.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

The odds of doing anything significant in the music business are long from the start, but artists who can't think beyond the short term have it thousands of times harder.

Guitar Nine Newsroom
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine's February-March 2015 newsletter.

Mike Campese
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese delivers a fistful of single string triad arpeggios - major, minor and diminished.

Sam Russell
Sam Russell

UK guitarist Sam Russell has some cool ways to spice up both open chords and standard chords with modal notes.

Simon Candy
Simon Candy

Learn how to develop great rhythm and time with your playing.

Dallas Dwight
Dallas Dwight

Read on for seven advantages and benefits of being a six-stringer.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess identifies the five keys required for becoming a truly great guitar player.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Two Reasons Why You Have A Hard Time Expressing Maximum Emotion In Your Guitar Playing

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Musicians who build and sustain successful music careers utilize an entirely different set of skills, thought processes and values.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Here are 11 common guitar teaching mistakes that less experienced teachers make.

Chris Glyde
Chris Glyde

Simple music is about balance. It is about taking 1 to 2 musical ideas, weaving them together and manipulating the musical elements just right.

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

New Dutch Prog Metal Rising

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Mindstorming Brothers In Arms

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

My vision and formal concept of an album is always a full length CD. And I´m surprised at how many people actually order my physical CD album. Actually I´m selling quite a few more CDs than downloads.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

I didn`t want that DIY vibe for the artwork, or the sound/production. I wanted a quality product that will stand the test of time, and that meant really deciding what I could do myself, and what would be better left to a dedicated professional.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

There was no goal or idea to create an album initially. The music on the album was gathered from many musical ideas that I had had over the last two years or so and were composed in many different places.

Spotlight on Interviews