Don't fall into the same old trap of convincing yourself that now is not the time.
Welcome to the June edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. June of 1996 marked our entry into cyberspace, and after eleven great years, Guitar Nine has become the leader in providing the widest selection of instrumental guitar recordings, news and information. To celebrate, we've added another 24 releases to the site in the past two months, including instrumental CDs by Matthew Mills, Glen Kuykendall, Steen Grontved, Liebman/Jackson/Stern, Visual Cliff, Frank Caruso, Johannes Linstead, Scott Henderson, Panzerballett, Darrel, Michael Lee Hill, Manu Livertout Band, Guitar Masters, Dean McGinnes, Ioannis Anastassakis, Clark Pauken Ricketts, Andy James, Geoffe Hein & Frozen Ghost, Uncle Moešs Space Ranch, Planet X, Anthony Ocana, Stick Man, California Guitar Trio and Dregs. You can now listen to and order 2060 instrumental releases by 1160 different artists. Visit the Instrumental Guitar Showcase to browse and listen to all of these dynamic recordings, or check out our recommendations page. If you've released an instrumental project, get all the details about merchandising through Guitar Nine, and decide if it's right for your music (if you've released a guitar-oriented CD with vocals, click here).
Don't fall into the same old trap of convincing yourself that now is not the time.
Examples and tips intended to help everybody who seeks ways to improve on their instrument.
Give your picking a boost with German`s crazy ideas.
Before you come down for one technique or another, check out Philippov`s discussion on the issue.
Here`s some ideas to help you reach the front gate of shredhood.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney suggests making your next live show an event.
Have trouble fitting the "biz" into your daily life as a musician? Check out Metal Mike`s advice.
Here`s a great way to fatten up any guitar tone, with Canadian guitarist David Martone.
Tom Hess with even more ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.
The process and benefits of writing down and charting specific details of the things the composer wishes to express is explained.
I advise to all those who can, to work in their own recording studio, so you can be free from conditions such as timetables and costs! I opened my studio in 1996 when I worked doing TV spots and was tired of spending money and time at other recording studios.
My main aim with this album was to write songs that had really strong melodies and structure and that would be appreciated by a wide range of listeners other than just guitar players.
Aggressive Slide Guitar
Where Moscow Meets Texas Blues