No man is an island. No indie label is an island either. The importance of cooperation.
Welcome to the February edition of the Guitar Nine on-line magazine. Scales, acoustic playing, and picking are just a few of the subjects found in this issue - along with a new interview with Jartse Tuominen. In total, five guest columnists have submitted six fresh articles on a range of musical topics of interest to practicing musicians. In addition to consuming the information presented, please sample some great music released by over 1000 musicians we've worked with over the past 20 years! Of note, we've published over 200 artist interviews, while nearly 210 musicians and industry experts have written over 1000 guest columns for this site since 1996.
No man is an island. No indie label is an island either. The importance of cooperation.
These 2-string scale fragment examples will increase your speed and your picking technique.
Check in with Joe Nevin and his 10 rocking guitar techniques you need to know.
Why you need to stop dividing your fretboard in 5 today.
How to create amazing guitar solos using open strings and pentatonic scale patterns.
You will get your skills back again by using these five approaches.
Discover how learning scales actually fosters creativity.
I hear themes in my mind and somehow it goes on paper. Some songs on "Untold Stories" took years to get written and recorded.