The odds of doing anything significant in the music business are long from the start, but artists who can't think beyond the short term have it thousands of times harder.
Welcome to the August edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. In the past two weeks, artists have approved and authorized almost 800 price changes to make CDs a much better value as compared to a downloaded mp3 album. In addition to higher sound quality and packaging, the CD actually has an aftermarket value, unlike its digital counterpart. We've posted another 24 releases to the site in the past two months, including instrumental CDs by Marty Friedman, Yngwie Malmsteen, Derek Sherinian, Adrian English, Jason Sadites. Theodore Ziras, Alfredo Garcia-Navas, Shane Theriot, Crush, Christian Schwarzbach, Shredding Across The World Volume 3, Leprechaun, Ben Kuzay, Ben Carroll, Cheng Zhen, Lawler/Speer, Sean Baker Orchestra, Haymo Doerk, Doerk/Sabot, Andy Rothstein, Guido Campiglio, Alien Guitar Abduction, and the Eric Clapton Salute. You can now listen to and order 1938 instrumental releases by 1196 different artists.
The odds of doing anything significant in the music business are long from the start, but artists who can't think beyond the short term have it thousands of times harder.
Guitar Nine Records August-September 2009 newsletter.
Paul Tauterouff takes a common three-note sequence and turns it around to create a new sequence that sounds much more interesting.
Adapting legato technique to the ubiquitous arpeggio.
The fourth part of Scott Allen`s new series deals with the concept of perfect symmetry.
Some very useful methods to help you learn to tune in and play by ear.
Have you been working on your sweep picking and been struggling to improve? Here`s help.
Using odd time signatures, open tuning and hybrid picking to keep things interesting.
Here are some exercises to develop and improve outside picking and alternate picking.
Some of Greg`s personal uses and insights into this somewhat eclectic scale.
Canadian guitarist David Martone takes you into the nuts and bolts of preparing three tracks for a Rush tribute album.
Don`t stifle your creativity by applying too much theory to the songwriting process.
Mike`s got a great way to learn your arpeggios and triads all over the neck.
There are two main problems that apply to almost all guitar teachers who struggle attracting new students.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab reminds us why there are so many good record releases, and so few great record releases.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney has some better suggestions for those stage give-a-ways.
I have found that by recording and adding a few "cover tunes" to my CDs as well as my originals, has helped get folks online to discover me. After they`ve listened to my arrangements of their familiar pop tunes, they may decided to check out my original music, too.
There was no internet when I started and file sharing has been the most destructive force to the music business and it`s been the most positive force in a fan`s world.