Delta-Flavored Bluesman Releases CD
Delta-Flavored Bluesman Releases CD
Fifteen Years Of Progressive Rock Fusion
New Progressive Band Forges Original Sound
Aggressive, Unorthodox Fingerstyle Wins Fans
Guitar Nine Records December-January 2008 newsletter.
Scott Allen defends the Floyd Rose whammy systems.
Canadian guitarist David Martone gives a heads up on his two latest projects.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney talks about the reality of the "plastic" world.
When Mike Varney got a copy of my mostly acoustic solo record and signed me, he suggested doing more metal. I was thrilled because at that point in time it seemed nobody cared for metal solos.
The fact that downloading is a problem can`t prevent you from doing music. And you are right, a lot of guys are actually releasing their first albums, but that doesn`t mean they are good or different from what`s been done before.
Usually when I work on my own compositions, I immediately follow my instincts, putting down ideas quickly that come from inspiration - without following any set pattern.
I titled my songs to represent varying degrees of thought; for example, "The Afterlife" is a musical speculation on what it would sound like on your spiritual journey to the next world, if there is indeed one!
Great exercises to keep your hands in shape from Mike Campese.
Neo-classical guitarist Tom Hess knows you want a successful, stable and rewarding career as a professional musician.
Taking a much closer look at the `diminished` sound and its theoretical sources.
You don`t always have to fret every note to achieve flashy results.
The first step in improving your playing is to understand the concept of phrasing.
Paul Kleff shows you how to create interesting phrases using basic arpeggio shapes.
Ysrafel`s here to focus on the different types of sweep picking available to the modern guitar player.
Unusual Acoustic/Electric Guitar Duo
Paying Homage To His Guitar Heroes
Dynamic Acoustic Duo
Original Jazz CD Emphasizes Songs
Guitar Nine Records October-November 2008 newsletter.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney on seeking the `magic bullet`.
How to use a metronome for maximum effectiveness.
Kole goes beyond rut-busting, with tips on how to surpass all ruts.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab tests your knowledge with this insightful, 100 question pop quiz.
Neo-classical guitarist Tom Hess talkes about two components that you must balance in order to enjoy the process of practicing and see consistent progress.
Scott Allen is back talkin` woods, necks and boards.
Dave Issacs is here to help you get back to the basics and improve your playing.
Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas believes it`s easy to memorize pieces, and has even more tips to help the uninitiated.
Exploring a less common approach to two-handed tapping.
How to approach the chromatic scale on the guitar.
Instrumental Rock Addict Eyes Studio Career
Dedicated To Great Progressive Instrumental Music
Malmsteen, Angelo, Stump -- Take Cover!
Millennial, Shred Metal Instrumentals
Guitar Nine Records August-September 2008 newsletter.
It is all about the music, which can be similar to some people, but for me, it`s really different. Also, the attention of the crowd is different. The trio format demands more from each musician as well.
To be a musician, especially in countries like Italy where music is not treated like it deserves, it`s a hard job. Every day you have to wake up and learn, you have to be prepared, you need to be professional.
Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas believes it`s easy to memorize pieces, and has some tips to help the uninitiated.
Recording for a pop/rock band, by Canadian guitarist David Martone.
You can make your own scales with these tips from Mike Campese.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab offers up a very complete primer on this most essential music business tool.
Some general tips for mixing from the man behind Apell.
Here`s a second look at playing 3 note per string scales as 16th notes.
Scott Allen`s first article exclusively aimed at helping you become more gear savvy.