In the last few years I`ve made a record for a major label that didn`t get released. Then I signed with a indie label. I thought the majors were the bad guys, and this label would give me more attention. WRONG! To make a long story longer, the small label had bad distribution and never paid a bill, let alone the tour support and promo budget.
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
I knew what I wanted to do but there were no labels dedicated to the guitarist as the artist, but only to the guitarist as a shred meister. I read an interview with guitarist Glenn Phillips, who has released ten albums independently. I realized from his comments (about the music industry) that the only way to reach my goal was to follow his example.
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
CD recorders (or burners) are great in any studio. Should you consider releasing your next CD on CD-R.
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Progressively Minded Guitarist Blends Metal, Funk & Rock
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Original Jazz/Rock Arrangements Fuel New Release
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Rock Meets Latin Shred For Instrumentalist
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
New Age Electric Guitarist Crosses Stylistic Boundaries
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
The beautiful part about the tempered music scale lies in it`s flexibility. One of Ken`s favorite tricks is to take one shape, and use it to move up or down the fretboard in a linear way. The similarities in chord shapes will allow you to do the same.
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Guitarist Draws Instrumental Influence From Ancient Writings
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Rock 'N' Roll Acoustic Guitar From New Mexico
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
Instrumental Guitarist Readies New Release
Friday, July 31, 1998 - 20:00
No man is an island. No indie label is an island either. The importance of cooperation.
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Guitarist Paul Kuntz is back with some fresh ideas on getting out of playing `in the box` and save untold wear and tear on your frets.
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
The best marketing tip though, is not to think of the market when you are composing or playing your music. Play only what is true to you--as an independent musician, you have that luxury.
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
I am trying to reach into the heart of the listener and make him or her feel what I am putting out emotionally. I just want young people to become emotionally attached to music again. I want to enlighten a younger audience.
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Instrumental Jazz-Rock Fusionist Eyes The Future
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Presenting Listeners With A New Breed Of Instrumental Music
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Funk & Jazz Meet Heavy Instrumental Rock
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Instrumental Rock Where Melody Rules
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Classical Guitar Augments New Age Instrumentals
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Creative Self-Indulgence And Adventurous Guitar Playing
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Killer Chops Mark Hard Rock Guitarist's CD
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Original Blend Of Acoustic and Electronic Textures
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Musical Influences From East To West
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
7-String Guitar Extravaganza
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Guitarist Returns To His Acoustic Roots
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
Australian Guitarist Makes The Most Of Four Tracks
Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 20:00
British guitarist David Knopfler recalls the days when the Stratocaster was held in esteem as the instrument of choice--if you could afford one, that is. A tale of how dreams can come true, and how old feelings never quite die.
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Instrumentalist Joe Bochar serves up a thinly disguised look at chromatics.
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
What They're Saying About These Michigan Bluesmen
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Solo Guitarist Creates Unique Blend Of Musical Mediums
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Instrumentalist Bridges Modern And Traditional Stylings
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Mad Guitar, Electronic Sounds, Experimental Vibe
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Bringing A New Edge To Contemporary Jazz
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
How to keep from destroying your confidence by setting realistic expectations for your recording projects.
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
I decided to do the independent route because that is the only route that is available to me at the present time. I have had releases on A&M Canada and Legato Records but I can`t wait for the "grown ups" to decide whether or not to release the music. I want to have my music out there like anybody else and if I have to do it all myself--so be it!
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
I just released my first CD after 27 years of playing. For me it represents the end of a struggle to accept my influences, yet still feel I have a voice of my own. I also wanted to express the fact that I just love to play, and that I love music without borders. Most importantly, I want to create music that expresses my true heart, and that inspires the listener to do the same.
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Experienced Guitarist Goes Instrumental With New Release
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Melodic Rock With An Edge
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Progressive Jazz/Rock Fusion From Down Under
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Original Flamenco Guitarist Seeks Worldwide Audience
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Professional Guitarist Plans Progressive Instrumental CD
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 19:00
Jason Pruett offers his light-hearted yet insightful views on getting the most from your guitar and busting a playing rut.
Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 19:00
Is it really true? Will you get 30,000,000 music fans checking out your music just by creating a web page? Let's separate the hype from the reality.
Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 19:00
British guitarist David Knopfler has a few words to say about the separate lead guitarist vs. rhythm guitarist identities.
Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 19:00
I can`t ever remember deciding to release a CD, it`s just something I always dreamed of. I think every musician would like to, deep down. I did it for myself, and I suggest others do the same. Don`t put out your first CD and expect to get rich, because it just doesn`t happen that way.
Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 19:00
A True Journeyman Guitarist, Vocalist And Producer
Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 19:00